London Stansted Airport is consulting on its 5-year Noise Action Plan and they’re looking for your views to help shape the plan. London Stansted Airport is committed to minimising the… read more →
On behalf of the M11 Junction 8 Improvement Scheme: As the works are progressing there are some works that require overnight closures and weekend closures to progress the works. The… read more →
NOTICE has been given that local roads will be closed on Sunday, 9th July 2023, from 9:45 am to midday for The Bishop’s Stortford High School Mitre 10k (& 5K) run.… read more →
East Herts Council (EHC) is looking to recruit two local people, unaffiliated to political groups and with no connection with East Herts Council, to sit as independent members on its… read more →
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 6th June in the Much Hadham Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm. The meeting will be preceeded by the Burial Authority meeting… read more →
East Herts Council’s election is taking place on the 4 May 2023. As detailed in Notice of Poll & Situation of Polling Stations – District – Much Hadham, the following… read more →
London Stansted continues to play an ever-increasing role in the local community through its charitable actions. Over the last year, it has funded 100 local community group initiatives with £140,052.… read more →
East Herts Council’s election is taking place on the 4 May 2023. As detailed in Statement of Persons Nominated – District – Much Hadham, the following people are nominated for… read more →
Following the submission of nominations to East Herts Council, the number of candidates validly nominated for Much Hadham Parish Council did not exceed the number of members to be elected… read more →
An (OPALS) Older Persons Activity Learning and Safety event is taking place at Much Hadham Village Hall on Tuesday 18 April at 10 am. This is a free event offering… read more →