Advice for Flooding

We have received a downloadable document from the Environment Agency and Public Health England which explains what the public can do when at risk from flooding. Click the link below to download.

Flooding: Advice for the Public

As everyone knows Much Hadham has had numerous problems with flooding in the last two years and so hopefully this leaflet will help explain what can be done by individuals. Cllr T Baxter has been charged with creating a flood plan for the village and is in the process of buying flood prevention equipment which will be usable by the village in case of emergencies. The pack which is being bought is a flood prevention kit which will stop 15 houses being flooding.  This will include; 1 x sandhopper, 150 x sandbags, Floodboards, Lightweight plastic shovels, 25 x heavy pvc sheeting, seal & peel + applicator, Instruction poster.

We hope with the recent culvert works at the bottom of Cox’s lane, and the planned works opposite The Bull that the village will be in less danger of flooding, but if it does occur please feel free to contact the Parish Council and we shall endeavor to help protect the village.