East Herts Council is looking for community focused projects that strengthen the community and lead to improved health and wellbeing of residents.

There is more than £80,000 of grant funding available for building improvement projects as well as socially distanced activities and services.  These must be delivered according to government guidelines.  More detailed information is available HERE.   The deadline for applications is 4 January 2021. Past projects include a community garden, training for volunteers, Parkinsons Support Group, arts and crafts outreach, Men’s Shed projects and improvements to a bowls club.

Are you an informal voluntary group who needs some help to get back on your feet?  Or someone with a new idea which will benefit the local community during this difficult time?  If so, you are welcome to apply for up to £300 any time.   Please contact Claire on claire.pullen@eastherts.gov.uk to discuss your idea and ensure it meets East Herts Council’s criteria.

There will be a  1 hour online workshop on the 4 November 2020 at 10am which will provide advice and tips on how to apply for a grant.   Please let Claire Pullen know if you plan to attend.

Don’t forget that one of the main things that East Herts Council want to see in applications is that you have consulted and involved potential beneficiaries.