A survey of all households in Much Hadham parish is underway to find out if local people need affordable housing and, if so, to determine what type of accommodation would be most appropriate. The survey is being carried out by CDA Herts, a rural housing charity, and is funded by Hill Group, developers and owners of the land to the rear of Hill House.

The survey has been delivered to all households. The results will be shared with the PC and we have taken the opportunity also to collect the views of the community on 20mph speed limits, the future use of the sports pavilion and how to better manage the village hall car park.

Parish-wide surveys are rare, so please take the opportunity to influence some of our key issues. £1 will be donated by Hill Group to the Much Hadham Recreation Trust for each completed survey.

The paper-based survey should be returned in the pre-paid envelope that accompanied it. Alternatively, or if you have not received it, it can be completed online here:

The intention is for each household (not each resident) to complete it. Replies go to CDA Herts, not to the Parish Council or Hill Group. The Parish Council will receive only anonymous summarised data.

Please telephone CDA Herts on 01992 289060 for help and advice in completing the survey.

Thank you.