NP Meeting – 14th June 2018
7.30pm Thursday 14th June – St Andrew’s School Hall
The minimum target for new housing is 54 units by 2033, of which ~25 already have planning approval. The sites we have earmarked for the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) will provide a further ~35 new homes so, together with planning permissions already granted, we should see ~60 houses built, and thus achieve the target given to us. With regard to those 35 houses we are aiming for in the NP, on Thursday 14th June we shall be holding a presentation in the school hall of (what we hope to be) the final list of housing sites.
This is a final check that we’ve not missed anything obvious before we finalise the housing policies. There will be two distinct aspects to the evening:
A presenter-led session starting with a brief reminder of the opportunities that the neighbourhood plan offers, followed by a full update on the significant changes to the portfolio of potential housing sites since we last consulted in September 2017.
You will then be asked to spend ~10 minutes in discussion groups, each group reviewing one of the sites. The facilitator for each group will then present from the floor a brief summary of the discussion and any issues arising.
This will be followed by an open Q&A for ~15 mins on the draft housing site policies and, if time permits, any other aspect of our neighbourhood plan.
The whole event is planned to last for ~75 mins
We look forward to seeing you there.
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