The Examiner has concluded his work on the Much Hadham Neighbourhood Plan. In doing so, he considered all the representations to the Regulation 16 consultation conducted by East Herts Council (EHC) and other written submissions such as the Consultation Statement. He also made a detailed visit to the parish on a working day so that issues such as traffic and parking could be considered.

He observed that public consultations were taken seriously by the Parish Council and were sufficient. He concluded the policies met the requirement to be in conformity with the district’s strategic planning policies. They do not constrain sustainable development, they comply with legislation to conserve habitats and species, preserve human rights and meet other legal requirements.

We are absolutely delighted that he has preserved all the areas proposed as Local Green Spaces, Priority Views and housing site allocations. Unusually, there are no significant modifications to the Plan, testimony to the thoroughness with which it was prepared over several years.

The Examiner’s Final Report can be found HERE. The draft Neighbourhood Plan (which will be updated by EHC for the required modifications later in April 2022) and other documentation can also be found there.

The final public stage of this process to incorporate our local policies into the planning decisions taken by EHC will be a Yes / No referendum on a date to be determined.