Footpath 40 – Bridge Closure

We have received the following message from the Hertfordshire Countryside Management:  

BRIDGE on FOOTPATH 40 – see Location Plan

“The only realistic option is to replace the footbridge completely. The condition and out-of-date style of the present structure make any repairs impossible.

 A resident stated that they would have preferred NOT to close off the path pending replacement. However, we’re  afraid that the state of the bridge is such that the County Council, as highway authority, cannot take responsibility for any members of the public crossing it.  Therefore, it is closed it off with emergency closure notices and barrier tape. We would be grateful if you would please encourage users leave these in place. The emergency closure will be replaced by a standard temporary closure at the end of 21 days. If any members of the public, having been alerted to the problem  by these tapes and notices, chose to cross the bridge then that is entirely at their own risk.

 This stream is recorded as a main watercourse, and so Environment Agency permission will be required for the new structure, which could cause a delay, as will the fact that we are running out of budget for this financial year (to March 31st 2017). “

 Hertfordshire Countryside Management